Why only help when bankers are in trouble?
Bond traders brace for inflation data on Thursday after jobs figures smashed expectations
K pops
Gap between yields on gilts and German bonds has reached widest in more than a year ahead of Budget
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Non-partisan Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget warns of heightened risk of ‘an eventual fiscal crisis’
Deal to reduce Accra’s debt load by nearly $5bn could pave way for return to markets
Take-up of the technology faces significant obstacles and disrupting the UK’s status quo will be a struggle
Report also identifies geopolitical turmoil and cyber attacks as major risks to UK financial stability
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank will provide guarantees and support for developing nations’ ‘panda bonds’
Markets on edge ahead of overhaul of fiscal rules that could result in tens of billions of pounds of extra borrowing capacity
Investors strongly back Ankara’s plans to switch short-term debt for longer-term notes
Long-term debt and political concerns might lead to more volatility but this is outweighed by the unique financial status of the US
Ankara hires banks for ‘switch tender’ deal to exchange short-debt for longer-term note
CD players
Gap between two countries’ 10-year bond yields falls to lowest level since 2008
Spanish Treasury warns that shocks such as droughts or hurricanes could accelerate debt crises
Bank of England’s credibility under fire from Chicago in battle with New York
A balanced portfolio has the best chance of preserving the long-term value of pension savings against price rise shocks
Believers in predictive power of so-called inversion in bond markets still think it augurs downturn
Local currency bonds have lagged this year but Fed’s move is expected to ease pressure on developing nations
Archipelago nation receives $50mn to meet October coupon payment
Primary dealership headaches
Fund group’s move to manage Anemoy fund means it is joining a trend that observers believe will disrupt the industry
Chancellor is exploring tinkering with Bank of England bond accounting