Former home secretary secures more MPs’ backing than rivals after third round of voting
Louise Haigh says ‘it would never have made sense’ for controversial project to end in London suburbs
Official data highlights country’s demographic challenges
Gap between yields on gilts and German bonds has reached widest in more than a year ahead of Budget
Previous governments have attempted the Whitehall silo-busting needed by Labour to achieve its five big aims
That is why politicians of all stripes should be wary of undermining the BBC
Ability of Jim Murphy’s consultancy to forge close ties with governing party raises questions over UK disclosure rules
Regulatory Innovation Office will take innovation ‘by scruff of neck’, says science secretary Peter Kyle
Members would participate in pooled plans and be offered target returns, but payouts are not fixed
Regional government key to improvements in health, policing and education, even when funds are short, study finds
Ousting of Sue Gray as chief of staff comes as UK prime minister nears 100 days in power
Expected endorsement comes ahead of Tory MPs voting this week to eliminate two of remaining contenders
Traders say repeated hold-ups by government are hitting business confidence
Sue Gray’s departure and reset shows PM is quick to adapt, but also suggests he may lack focus
If endorsed, and Britain moves to one-day settlement before the EU, UK ETFs would wait until the EU also moves
A behind-the-scenes look at the work of Rutherford Hall, critical communications strategist
Trade lobby groups warn that proposals for regional pricing risk ‘deindustrialisation’ and higher costs
Companies freeze recruitment, awaiting clarity on tax, business and employment policy
Controversial aide to prime minister will take new job as envoy for UK nations and regions
Chancellor wants to raise revenue from pay through carried interest without driving investors away
Keir Starmer has promised radical change after a decade in which training programme starts declined
Chastened by fractious Labour conference, PM bids to draw a line under mis-steps and ‘get a grip’ on No 10
Contest to succeed Rishi Sunak blown open as Conservative MPs prepare to whittle down candidates
Ex-aides able to log in to their old accounts months after leaving for lobbying firms
At this stage in the cycle, the Conservatives don’t want to be normal, they want to be themselves